Post related to field #1

Over the course of this class, i have learned to simplify my words. Being a web designer, your job is to make every page,link, section as short as possible to ensure the reader does not get bored and decide to skim through it all. Reflecting on one discussion board post, basically writing about a poorly designed site, i realized many sites just over do it. They write and write and write until it becomes a block of words with no prayer of hitting the bottom of the page. It’s recently changed the way i look at sites, and how i plan on designing them.

Beyond that, the same discussion board topic also made me realize to use the ENTIRE width of the webpage. Many sites have a “buffer” on the left and right. Whats the point? To show off wallpaper? Why set a width of, lets say, 1024 px when you can just say 100% of the expanded window? Another random thought, but i’m sure it makes sense.

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