Final reflection post


What is technical communication? I thought it had to do with certain techniques when communicating. Turns out it has to do with different ways of communication amongst (mainly) technology. What a relief, i distinctly remember saying. Brain screwing assignments, interesting subjects as far as the discussion board questions go and an overall interesting class would be the bio of TWC 401 if it had a facebook. 

Onto the portfolio.

Lets begin from the start. copying and pasting a word document that has a template or certain perimeters set into a new word doc is a massive hassle. When creating the table of content section, i had to add a title to each page so it automatically goes to it. Problem was the copied and pasted assignments would not allow me to even place text above them. I think i spent more time tinkering with that to get it to work than i did with the rest of the final portfolio. 

Drum roll please….



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