Final reflection post


What is technical communication? I thought it had to do with certain techniques when communicating. Turns out it has to do with different ways of communication amongst (mainly) technology. What a relief, i distinctly remember saying. Brain screwing assignments, interesting subjects as far as the discussion board questions go and an overall interesting class would be the bio of TWC 401 if it had a facebook. 

Onto the portfolio.

Lets begin from the start. copying and pasting a word document that has a template or certain perimeters set into a new word doc is a massive hassle. When creating the table of content section, i had to add a title to each page so it automatically goes to it. Problem was the copied and pasted assignments would not allow me to even place text above them. I think i spent more time tinkering with that to get it to work than i did with the rest of the final portfolio. 

Drum roll please….



Post project analysis with team

Woo. I’m not a fan of working in teams unless it’s due to a certain set of skills. In this case, same set of skills needed, three members…err..make that two members to complete a APA format paper. The reason it was so difficult was due to the team not being in the same room ever during the process. Communication would happen every 4 days at the most which creates a huge issue when collaborating on certain sections of a paper. I can’t write A if B is not done and vice versa.

We got out act together, figured out a great schedule and got the ball rolling quite fast. Before i knew it, paper was done and i was able to breathe knowing i did not have to last minute a paper. After the fact, it was a thrill ride…given the gist of our paper was thought of prior to spring break…and written after which not a great idea. Overall, i think the paper was great. We answered our original questions that we aimed for and completed our mission in that sense. Mission:completed.

Post related to field #1

Over the course of this class, i have learned to simplify my words. Being a web designer, your job is to make every page,link, section as short as possible to ensure the reader does not get bored and decide to skim through it all. Reflecting on one discussion board post, basically writing about a poorly designed site, i realized many sites just over do it. They write and write and write until it becomes a block of words with no prayer of hitting the bottom of the page. It’s recently changed the way i look at sites, and how i plan on designing them.

Beyond that, the same discussion board topic also made me realize to use the ENTIRE width of the webpage. Many sites have a “buffer” on the left and right. Whats the point? To show off wallpaper? Why set a width of, lets say, 1024 px when you can just say 100% of the expanded window? Another random thought, but i’m sure it makes sense.