Show me how to do something

Video 1

Video 2

So, assignment 2 had us teach the audience something using something visual and audio as a method. Instantly i thought “Hey, i’ll do something with websites and graphic making!”. What i did not know was doing two pieces would make a very long video.

The program i used to capture my screen and record my audio was limited to 5 minutes per video (free version). After starting with the idea of doing both a Div only website layout and a photoshopped banner, it became apparent it would run well over 20 minutes. I decided to remove the photoshop banner part and stick with the website layout.

Another issue became the 5 minute cut off. The first run through was interrupted by the time limit. In the middle of talking, it just cut off. I had to set a timer next to me to ensure i would stop talking before the video stopped recording. I believe the final version ended up being the 5th “take” of doing the assignment. After it was said and done, i thought why not do another but show the website layout before i start to teach the audience how to do it? Within 3 minutes of that, my dog started barking and i called it quits.

Overall, an entertaining assignment to do. The only drawback? that weird feeling from hearing your own voice and asking “do i really sound like that?”. Still don’t think i do!

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